The foundation shall be of a Public Non Profit making charitable nature having no commercial or profit motive. The properties, money and income of the foundation shall be applied solely for the purposes set out hereunder.

The office of the foundation shall be at, India, but may be located or shifted to such other place as the Board of Trustees in office may determine from time to time.


  • To undertake and carry on research and development work and to own, establish, maintain laboratories, experiment centres, assist, subsidise any Government Semi Government, Private, Universities for Scientific and other research work and inventions related to the agro based business of the company by providing or contributing to the remuneration of research, scientific or technical professors, teachers for technical researchers, providing or contributing to the awards, prizes, scholarships, grants, sponsorships to the students or others to encourage them.
  • To establish, maintain and operate educational institutions, schools and hostels for the benefit of the children of the employees or ex-employees of the Company or their dependents or relations and others and to make grants and awards and to grant scholarships.
  • To promote or assist in the promotion of any other Company or Companies established for any purpose which may seem directly or indirectly to benefit this Company or to advance the object and interests thereof, and to take otherwise acquire and hold shares in any such Company or Companies and to guarantee the payment of any debentures or other securities issued by such Company or Companies.
  • To act as consultant, adviser, broker, supervisor, administrator, agent, commission agent and to offer various types of incentives, schemes from time to time either directly or in collaboration with any other individuals, firms, bodies corporate in India or elsewhere and to educate people for side work, entertainment and side work personality development.
  • To draw, make, accept, endorse, execute, issue and discount promissory notes, bills of exchange, charter parties, bills of lading, warrants, debentures and other negotiable or transferable instruments.
  • To invest and deal with moneys of the Company not immediately required in such manners as may from time to time be determined.
  • To appoint, engage, employ, maintain, provide for, suspend or dismiss or take other disciplinary action against attorneys, agents, managers, superintendents, clerks, labourers and all other servants and to remunerate any such persons as the Company may deem fit, and to make pecuniary grants by way of donation, subscription, allowance, bonus, pension, gratuity, provident fund, guarantee to or for the benefit of any such persons or the widow, widower or children and dependents of any such persons.
  • To Provide for the welfare of the employees or ex-employees of the Company and the wives/husbands and families, relations and dependents of employees or ex-employees by building or contributing to build houses, dwellings or chawls or by grants of money, pensions, allowances bonus or other payments or by creating and from time to time subscribing or contributing to Provident Fund and other funds or associations, institutions or trusts.
  • To create any Depreciation Fund, Reserve Fund, Sinking Fund, Insurance Fund or any other special fund, whether for depreciation, or for repairing, improving, extending or maintaining any of the property of the Company or for amortization of capital or for any other purpose conducive to the interests of the Company.
  • To apply the assets of the Company in any way in or towards the establishment maintenance or extension of any association, institution or fund, in any way connected with trade or commerce and in particular with any association, institution or fund established for the protection of the interests of owners and employers, against loss by bad debts, strikes civil commotion, fire 3 accidents or for the benefit or employees at any time employed by the Company, their families or dependents.
  • To give monetary aid assist any association, body or movement having for its object the solution, settlement or surmounting of industrial or labour problems or troubles or the promotion of industry or trade.
  • To remunerate any person for services rendered or to rendered in obtaining subscription for or placing or assisting to place or to obtain subscription for or assisting to place or to obtain subscription for or for guaranteeing the subscription of or the placing of any shares in the capital of the Company or any stock, shares, bonds, debentures, obligations or securities of any other Company held or owned by the Company or in which the company may have an interest or in or about the formation or promotion of the Company or the conduct of the business or in or about the formation or promotion of any other Company in which the Company may have any interest.
  • To apply for and take out, purchase acquire any trade mark, patent rights, inventions, copyright designs know-how of secret process, which may be useful for the Company’s objects and to grant licenses to use the same, and to work, develop, carry out, exercise and turn to account the same.
  • To enter into technical or other collaborations with Governments, corporations, Institutions, Banks or persons in furtherance of the objects of the Company.
  • To authorise any person to undertake study tours, commercial tours, visits or training programmes in India or abroad, for furtherance of technical or other expertise and development of the enterprise of the Company.
  • To subscribe to assist or to guarantee money for any charitable, benevolent, religious, scientific, national or other institutions of for any public venture the objects of which have any moral or claim to support or aid by the company either by reason of locality of operation or public and general utility.
  • To do all or any of the matters hereby authorised (in any part of the world) either or in conjunction with or as factors, trustees or agents for any other Companies, firm or persons, or by or through any factors, trustees or agents.