All donations to DKIRF must be made only by Demand Draft, Cheque, NEFT & Online Merchant Service. The DKIRF does not endorse its staff to accept cash.
There are four different ways to donate
Direct Deposit / NEFT:
Account Number :921020042759568
Account Holder :DK International Research Foundation
Account Type :Current Account
Name of the Bank :Axis Bank
Name of the Branch :Perambalur
IFSC Code :UTIB0000704
MICR Code :621211303
By Demand Draft:DK International Research Foundation, # 321, Royal Nagar, North Mathavi Road, Perambalur, Tamil Nadu, India - 621212
Western Union Money Transfer::Mrs. A. Patchaiyammal, Perambalur, Tamil Nadu - 621212
Google Pay Number :+91 95 00 77 99 68
Phone Pe Number :+91 95 00 77 99 68
Online Payment Link: Click Here