Interested candidates shall make an application in the prescribed form to the governing body along with the requisite fee. The Governing body of DKIRF, after scrutinize of the application, admit the candidate under the scheme. The admitted candidate shall be called as "DKIRF Member" who shall be eligible for the benefits listed in the scheme. Candidates can add MDKIRF with their name. In the letter pad, visiting card and name board candidate can add MDKIRF.
Candidates, once they register as a member of DKIRF, will be given a certificate by the governing body of DKIRF.
Candidates shall publish their research papers/Review papers/articles in DK International Research Foundation (DKIRF) Journals and get 20% fee concession
Candidates may become key note speakers/Guest Speakers in Conference, Seminar, lectures and Symposium.
Candidates may be invited as a Resource Person for Workshop and present the papers without any participation fee.
Candidates may be eligible to become Editorial Board Member / Review member of DK International Research Foundation (DKIRF) Journals and eligible for appropriate reward.
Candidate shall be eligible to get the Manuals, Information bulletin, Souvenir / Book etc at a concessional price.
Candidates shall become an office bearer in the national and International conferences
Candidates may be appointed as judges for completions /paper presentation of National and International conferences.
Candidates shall be empowered to host the International conferences in their own place/country.
Membership Charges:
- Affiliate Member - Rs. 10000 (National) / $ 250 (International)
- Fellow Member - Rs. 5000 (Indian Citizens) / $ 150 (Other Country Citizens)
- Life Time Member - Rs. 3000 (Indian Citizens) / $ 100 (Other Country Citizens)
- Annual Member - Rs. 1000 (Indian Citizens) / $ 35 (Other Country Citizens)
- Online Payment Link : Click Here